MS EXCEL 2016/13/10


00.MS Excel 2016, 2010, 2007 Basic to Advance Course | MS Excel Full Course | MS Excel Tutorials #3
01.Basic Introduction of MS Excel
02.How to solve online quiz on MS word, Excel & PowerPoint & download exercise & exercise file
03.Creating New Workbook, Open File, Using Save, Save As In MS Excel
04.How To Use Cut, Copy And Paste Options In MS Excel
05.How To Use Find, Replace, Find Next & Replace All In Excel
06.How To Change Font, Font Size, & How To Bold, Italic, Underline A Text In Excel
07.How To Use Undo And Redo Options In MS Excel
08.How To Change Border Color, Font Color & Using Fill Color Options In MS Excel
09.How To Use Text Alignment & Indent Options To Align & Indent Text In MS Excel
10.How To Use Orientation Option Change Text Direction Of Text In Excel
11.How To Use Format Painter In Excel
12.How To Use Wrap Text & Merge & Center Options In MS Excel
13.How To Format Numbers, Dates & Time In Excel
14.How To Do Conditional Formatting & How To Highlight Cells In MS Excel Workbook
15.How To Use Format As Table & Cell Styles Option In Excel
16.How To Insert & Delete Rows, Columns, Cells & Sheets In MS Excel
17.How To Change Row Height And Column Width In MS Excel
18.How To Hide And Unhide A Row Or Column Using Hide And Unhide Option In Excel
19.How To Rename And Copy Or Move A Worksheet Data In MS Excel
20.How To Fill Months, Days, Date & Numbers By Autofill Function In MS Excel
21.How To Sort Numbers And Data Using Sort & Filter Option In MS Excel
22.How to use Mini Toolbar and Shortcut Menu In MS Excel
23.How To Use and customize Quick Access Toolbar in Excel
24.Using Status Bar to find sum, average etc.& What is Page Break Preview In Excel
25.How to Remove Formatting, Comments & Hyperlink using Clear Function in MS Excel
26.How To Do Addition, Subtraction, Division, Multiply, autosum etc in MS Excel
27.How To Use Clipboard To Copy & Paste Several Items In Excel
28.Using Paste Special To Copy Format, Formula, Values & its Shortcut Key In Excel
29.Copy Conditional Format, Column Width, Number Format By Paste Special In Excel
30.Using Paste Special To Transpose Data And To Add or Subtract Values In Excel
31.How To Use Data Validation Option For Whole Numbers & Error Alert In MS Excel ?
32.How To Create Data Validation For Decimal Numbers & Other Data Options In Excel
33.How To Create Drop Down Menu & Set Character Limit By Data Validation In Excel ?
34.How to Set Limit for Date & Time Using Data Validation Option in MS Excel ?
35.Preventing Duplicate Entries & Allow Text / Numbers Only
36.How To Add Data Of Multiple Sheets & Workbook By Consolidate Option
37.Learn To Insert & Delete Image From Background Of Data
38.How to Navigate Between Sheets of a Workbook using go to option
39.How To Use Print Option For Printing Worksheet & Setting Orientation/Margins
40.How To Print Title Or Heading On Every Page By Print Titles Option In MS Excel
41.How to use the LOOKUP Function
42.How To Use Vlookup Formula To Find Particular Data In Same/Different Workbooks
43.How To Check Column & Row Number Of A Cell By Column & Row Formula
44.How To Check Number Of Columns Or Rows In A Table Using Columns & Rows Formula
45.How To Get Multiple Results By Using Vlookup Formula For Single Time
46.Use Of Hlookup Formula To Find Data From Database In Same/Different Workbooks
47.How To Freeze & Unfreeze Multiple Rows And Columns
48.Generate Random Numbers Using Rand And Rand between Formula In Excel
49.Learn To Calculate EMI Using PMT Formula
50.Use of goal seek formula to know estimated down payment amount
51.How To Insert Chart & Change Its Color, Style Etc. In Microsoft
52. How to calculate interest & Principal amount of loan using IPMT & PPMT function
53.How to use Averageif & Averageifs in MS Excel to calculate average based on different conditions
54.How to create template in MS Excel with font style, font size, alignment etc. of your choice
55.How to use COUNT, COUNTA, COUNTBLANK, COUNTIF, COUNTIFS formula in MS Excel ? (Hindi)
56.How to remove different types of formula errors in MS Excel 2016/2013/2010/2007? (Hindi)
57.How to use concatenate formula and “&” sign to combine data of 2 or more cells in Excel (Hindi)
58.How to change case (upper, lower, proper) and concatenate text at same time
59.How to use FV formula to calculate future value of an investment
60.How to protect a complete worksheet or a part of worksheet with password
61.How to use clean formula in MS Excel for removing non-printable characters from data
62.How to calculate running total in MS Excel 2016/2013/2010/2007 using Sum Formula
63.How to split full name to first and last name in microsoft excel? (Hindi)
64.How to use Dsum in MS Excel to add numbers of particular column based on a condition
65.How to use Dget in Excel to search a record from a database according to a condition
66.How to use Daverage in MS Excel to find average of a data of a column based on condition. (Hindi)
67.How to use sumproduct in Excel to find sum of the products of one or more cell ranges (Hindi)
68.How to use ceiling/floor formula in Exel to find max/min round off number of value?
69.How to use Forecast formula in MS Excel 2016/2013/2010/2007 to predict sales or expenses? (Hindi)
70.How to find & remove duplicate data/entries by using Remove Duplicates option in MS Excel (Hindi)
71.How to use Edate formula to find the nameof the day of any future or past date in Excel.
72.How to calculate lowest common multiple using LCM formula in MS Excel..
73.How to calculate GCD and find ratio of numbers using GCD in MS Excel
74.How to calculate overtime hours in MS Excel ? MS Excel me overtime kaise calculate kare?
75.How to calculate age using datedif formula in Excel? kisi vyakti ki age kaise calculate kare?(Hindi)
76.How to calculate Simple Interest in MS Excel ? MS Excel me sadharan byaj kaise nikala jaye ? (Hindi)
77. How to make compound interest calculation chart in MS Excel 2016/2013/2010/2007? (Hindi)
78.How to use power formula in Excel? Excel me kisi number ka power kaise calculate kare?
79.How to calculate Compound Interest using a formula in MS Excel 2016/2013/2010/2007
80.How to count numerical values of a column based on a condition using Dcount
81.How to use Spelling & Thesaurus option in MS Excel to check spellings & find synonyms?
82.How to do addition of a column/row based on certain condition using Sumif formula in Excel(Hindi)
83. How to use TRIM function to remove extra space & SUBSTITUTE to replace characters
84. How to use replace formula to replace a part of a text in MS Excel
85.How to use Dcounta to count filled cells of a column according to a condition
86.How to use Sumifs to add values of column/row based on multiple conditions
87. How to use Frequency in Excel to check that how many times a record repeats in a table
88. How to use Rank Formula in MS Excel ? Rank formula ka upayog kaise karen
89. How to use large function in Excel to find top largest values from list & their addition
90. How to use small function to find some smallest values from the list
91. How to use Dmax & Dmin to find largest or smallest number based on a condition
92. How to use round, roundup & rounddown formula to remove decimal from digits
93. Using iferror function in Excel to hide errors that occur due to formula/wrong values
94. How to use Vlookup function with iferror formula
95. How to use vlookup with match function to perform two-dimensional Vlookup
96. How to use index+match function in Excel? Excel me index match formula ka upyog karna
97. How to use choose formula with Vlookup to search a value from multiple tables in Excel
98.How to use array function in MS Excel to perform multiple calculations in one time?
99. How to convert rows into columns & columns into rows using an array function in Excel
100. How to use max formula as an array function
101. How to convert vlookup in array function to search multiple data simultaneously
102. How to use DB formula to calculate depreciation in Excel? depreciation kaise calculate kare
103. How to use scenario manager to compare multiple scenarios of data sets in Excel?(Hindi)
104. How to use nested if formula for checking multiple conditions in Excel ? (Hindi)
105. Split full name into first, middle & last name using text to column wizard in Excel
106. How to use Fuzzy Lookup in Microsoft Excel? Excel me Fuzzy Lookup ka upyog kaise kare
107.How to use iseven & isodd formula to check whether a number is even or odd in Excel? (Hindi)
108. How to organize data using recommended pivot table in microsoft Excel 2016
109. How to create & customize a pivot table in MS Excel? Excel me pivot table kaise banayen
110. How to insert and customize a pivot chart in MS Excel? Excel me pivot chart insert karna (Hindi)
111. How to create a pivot chart using a pivot table in Microsoft Excel 2016/2013/2010/2007
112. How to use isblank formula with if function in MS Excel
113. How to calculate square root & cube root in Microsoft Excel 2016/2013/2010/2007
114. How to reverse a list in Microsoft Excel? Excel me kisi list ka order reverse karna
115. How to use istext & isnontext formulas in Excel to check if cell contains text or not
116. How to merge data of different cells into one cell separated by comma in MS Excel
117. How to view multiple excel workbooks/worksheets & other windows at the same time
118. How to use the CHAR function in Excel? Excel me CHAR function ka upyog kaise kare
119. How to extract required details from huge data using concatenate & char formula
120. How to insert a blank row in between two data rows
121. How to use hyperlinks in MS Excel? Excel me hyperlink ka upyog kaise karen
122. How to insert & resize picture in Microsoft Excel 2016/2013/2010/2007
123. How to use indirect formula in Excel? Excel me indirect formula kaise upyog kare
124. How to use flash fill for splitting full name, combining & extracting data in Excel
125. How to use left, right & mid formula in Microsoft Excel 2016/2013/2010/2007? (Hindi)
126. How to block actions performed on the worksheet of Excel Workbook
127. How to create & use the named range in Excel? name range kaise banaye aur upyog kare
128. How to use Group & Ungroup options in Excel? group/ungroup options kaise upyog karen
129. How to protect Excel workbook with password? Excel ko password se kaise protect kare
130.How to use indirect formula to find sum, avg etc of values of different sheets in excel
131. How to make only first letter of a sentence capital in Microsoft Excel
132. How to insert & customize shapes in MS Excel ? Excel me shapes kaise insert kare
133. How to insert & customize smartart in Excel? Smartart insert aur customize karna
134. How to record macro in MS Excel for doing repetitive calculations & tasks
135. How to insert screenshot in Excel? Excel me screenshot kaise insert kare? (Hindi)